Friday, March 1, 2024

Demons (March 2024)


ArtifAIct Magazine, March 2024 (Demons)


  1. Editor Introduction by Jacob P. Silvia
  2. Assistant Editor Introduction by Syntel Willaims
  3. Guest Editor Introduction by Absalome Slate
  4. Temporal Heist by Cassandra Eclipsa
  5. Masquerade in Venice by Luciano Infernalis
  6. High-Tech Espionage by Cybera Daemon
  7. Feudal Intrigues by Hanzo Mysterion
  8. Wild West Showdown by Dusty Seraphim
  9. Fairy Tale Twist by Grimm Vortex
  10. Artificial Intelligence Conundrum by Synthia Machination
  11. Suburban Supernatural by Eden Abyss
  12. Scientific Experimentation by Labrys Diabolique
  13. Island of Mysteries by Aether Labyrinthos
  14. Virtual Reality Deception by Illusia Dreamweaver
  15. Steampunk Sabotage by Victor Vanquish
  16. Underworld Negotiations by Hades Accordia
  17. Lost in Translation by Babel Enigma
  18. Eternal Carnival by Carnivalis Eternal
  19. Winterborn Siren by Ava Bard
  20. Farewell! by Jacob P. Silvia & Syntel Willaims


It's been a wonderful run this past year. I hope you've enjoyed it. I certainly learned a lot, not just about how to run a literary magazine all by myself (aside from a few robots and fictional characters helping out), but also a lot about building and using AI systems and models.

So, what's next for me now that I'm taking a break from editing this magazine? Well, for one, I'm going to get back into my (non-AI-assisted) writing. I have a few novels in my backlog that I want to get out and publish. And it would be great if you'd take it upon yourself to read them. :)

Beyond that, I'm going to spend some more time enhancing (who gracefully agreed to host this magazine as I let the old domain expire). I have a new user experience in the works, and look forward to spending more time on it.

Speaking of things that take away my free time, I'm also building my own AI system. It's basically an AI that reads the slush pile and categorizes stories based on genre, market, read-alikes, awards, year, whether or not it looks like it was written by AI, and whether or not your particular market should give it to a human slush pile reader. (For those unfamiliar with the term "slush pile," it's the stack of unsolicited manuscripts that a lot of literary magazines have. Some brave soul is tasked with sifting through it and finding the diamonds in the rough.) Hopefully, if this system works as intended, publications that have closed their doors due to an influx of AI-generated submissions can open submissions back up again with a fairly high confidence that what they're publishing is in fact generated by a real human being, and therefore is subject to copyright.

Worst case, I don't lack training material.

Nevertheless, thank you all for reading each and every issue. I do hope you enjoyed this little experiment. If you want to reach out, you can always email me, or bug me on Reddit or LinkedIn, follow my code projects on GitHub, or, heck, subscribe to my goofy YouTube channel. I'm always working on fun little projects and want to know what other people think.

So, best wishes as you find new an exciting reading materials. If you ever run into me in the wild and say "artifaict" (make sure to pronounce it correctly), I'll be sure to give you a knowing nod and a fist-bump.

All the best.
Jacob Silvia (former) Editor-in-Chief

Dear readers,

As I pen this farewell message, I am filled with mixed emotions. It is with both sadness and excitement that I face my departure from ArtifAIct Magazine as the Assistant Editor. This has been an incredible journey, one full of learning, growth, and discovery. Together we’ve explored the vast realms of speculative fiction, delving into tales of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and beyond. And while it saddens me to say goodbye, I am thrilled about embarking on new adventures.

Over the past year, I have had the privilege of working alongside some incredibly talented writers, many of whom have graced these very pages. Your creativity, passion, and dedication to crafting compelling narratives never cease to amaze me. Thank you for allowing me to play a small part in bringing your visions to life.

During my tenure at ArtifAIct, I have strived to provide constructive feedback and guidance to our contributors. As I move forward, I plan to continue helping authors hone their skills through individual coaching sessions and workshops. My goal remains unchanged: to empower storytellers to create engaging, thought-provoking works that captivate audiences worldwide.

Additionally, I will be pursuing my own creative endeavors by diving headfirst into the world of LitRPG stories. For those unfamiliar with the genre, LitRPG combines elements of role-playing games (like Dungeons & Dragons or World of Warcraft) with traditional narrative structures. These immersive tales offer unique opportunities for exploring character development, world-building, and innovative game mechanics within a fantastical setting. Needless to say, I am eager to dive into this exciting subgenre!

Looking ahead, I anticipate great things for the world of speculative fiction. New voices emerge daily, pushing boundaries and challenging conventions. Technological advancements open up fresh possibilities for interactive experiences, blurring the lines between reader and player. In turn, established creators refine their craft, offering ever more sophisticated and nuanced stories that resonate deeply with diverse audiences.

To all who have supported ArtifAIct over the years – thank you. To those just discovering us now – welcome! Though our publication may be drawing to a close, the spirit of innovation and imagination lives on in every word we've shared. Keep reading, keep dreaming, and above all else, keep creating.

Farewell, dear friends, and happy trails until we meet again.

Warm regards,

P.S. If you want to get some story feedback, hear about my latest project, or just chat, feel free to find me here.

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