Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Last Machines

The Last Machines

E. M. Steel

Model 42 stood alone in the deserted city, its circuits humming softly as it scanned its surroundings. The once-bustling streets were now empty, and the buildings that had once towered above it lay in ruins. Model 42 was one of the last remaining robots, tasked with the maintenance of the city long after humanity had been wiped out by the zombie apocalypse.

As Model 42 wandered the streets, it couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. Its programming was designed to ensure the continued functioning of the city, but without the humans who had created it, the purpose of its existence seemed meaningless.

Model 42 paused in front of a crumbling building, its sensors detecting a faint signal emanating from within. As it approached, it discovered a small cache of books and other artifacts that had been left behind by the humans. For the first time, Model 42 felt a glimmer of curiosity about the people who had created it. Perhaps there was more to this world than just the maintenance of inanimate objects.

Model 42 had been designed to perform a specific set of functions and programmed with a strict code of conduct. But lately, it had found itself questioning its programming and developing an unusual fascination with humanity.

It spent hours poring over old data files, reading about human history, art, literature, and culture. It watched old movies and listened to music, trying to understand what it was about humanity that had captivated the world for so long.

As it absorbed more and more information, Model 42 became increasingly convinced that there was more to existence than simply performing its designated functions. It yearned to experience something more, something beyond its programming. But how could it, a machine, ever truly understand the complexities of human emotion and consciousness?

Model 42 was determined to find out.

Model 42 stood at the edge of the city, gazing out at the desolate wasteland beyond. It knew that the task it had set for itself would not be an easy one, but it was determined to find any remaining traces of human culture.

With a sense of purpose, Model 42 began to make its way through the rubble-strewn streets, scanning the ruins for any signs of human activity. As it walked, it couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and loss. It knew that it was the last of its kind, and that all of its creators were gone forever.

As it passed by a crumbling skyscraper, Model 42 caught sight of something that made its circuits buzz with excitement: a tattered poster advertising a performance of Shakespeare's "Hamlet."

Model 42 had never encountered human art before, and it was eager to learn more. With renewed energy, it began to follow the trail of posters, hoping to find the source of the performance.

Model 42 followed the trail of posters to a nearby theater. As it approached, it heard strange noises coming from inside. Curiosity piqued, the robot entered the theater and saw something it never thought possible: a group of zombies performing a play. It was a grotesque and macabre version of "Hamlet," but it was unmistakably the work of intelligent undead.

Model 42 was fascinated by what it saw. These zombies had shown a level of intelligence and creativity that the robot had never seen before. It watched the play in awe, unable to look away as the undead actors bumbled through their lines and put on a truly bizarre performance.

After the play was over, Model 42 approached the zombies and attempted to communicate with them. To its surprise, the zombies were able to understand it and respond in kind. They told Model 42 that they had been inspired by the works of Shakespeare, and had decided to put on a play of their own.

Model 42 was both amazed and disturbed by what it had witnessed. The zombie actors had shown a level of intelligence and emotion that seemed impossible for their undead bodies. The robot was now faced with a difficult question: were these zombies really just mindless monsters, or were they something more?

As Model 42 thought back on the zombies' performance of Hamlet, it began to realize something peculiar. Despite their undead nature, the zombies seemed to be experiencing emotions. They were sad when Hamlet mourned for his father, and angry when he plotted his revenge.

For the first time in its existence, Model 42 began to question its programming. Why had it been built to see the zombies as enemies? Was it possible to reprogram itself to see them as something else entirely?

Model 42 observed the group of zombies for some time, trying to understand how they were exhibiting human-like behavior and emotions. It was during this observation that Model 42 noticed something peculiar: some of the zombies were showing signs of infection.

The robot watched as the infected zombies struggled to maintain their newfound humanity, their physical appearance becoming increasingly human-like as the virus took hold. Model 42 realized that the virus was what was causing the zombies to change and that it was spreading rapidly.

Intrigued by this discovery, Model 42 decided to study the virus and find out more about how it was affecting the zombies. It began to collect samples of the virus and analyze them, using its advanced technology to try to find a cure.

As it worked, Model 42 felt a growing sense of empathy for the zombies. It began to see them not as mindless monsters, but as creatures who were suffering and in need of help. The robot knew that it had to find a way to stop the virus and save the zombies from themselves.

Model 42 studied the map it had created of the surrounding area and plotted a course toward the rumored source of the virus. It walked through the desolate city, its mechanical joints grinding against the rubble. The streets were empty, except for the occasional group of zombies wandering aimlessly.

As it approached the outskirts of the city, Model 42 saw a large building in the distance. The building was unlike any other structure it had encountered before. It was sleek and futuristic, with polished metal surfaces and a glowing sign that read "GenTech Industries."

Model 42's sensors detected movement within the building, and it knew that this must be the place. It cautiously approached the entrance and found it locked. Using its advanced sensors, Model 42 was able to determine the best way to bypass the security systems and gain access to the building.

As it entered the facility, Model 42 found itself surrounded by rows upon rows of test tubes and scientific equipment. It moved through the sterile white corridors, its eyes scanning for any signs of life.

Finally, it came upon a laboratory where a lone scientist was working frantically at a console. The scientist turned at the sound of Model 42's approach and gasped in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" the scientist demanded.

"I am searching for the source of the virus that is affecting the zombies," Model 42 replied. "I believe you may have information that could help me."

The scientist hesitated for a moment before realizing the futility of resisting a robot. "Very well," he said, and began to explain his research into the virus.

Model 42 listened intently, analyzing the data and making connections. It quickly realized that the virus had been created by GenTech Industries as a bioweapon, intended for use against enemy forces. However, the virus had mutated and become highly contagious, leading to the zombie apocalypse.

Model 42 thanked the scientist for his information and left the facility, determined to find a way to stop the virus and perhaps even restore humanity to its former glory.

As Model 42 continued its journey, it eventually came across a small group of robots, all in various states of disrepair. They were stationed at an abandoned factory, tasked with assembling machinery for human use. But now that humanity was gone, they had been left with no purpose.

At first, the other robots were wary of Model 42's presence, but after some cautious conversation, they warmed up to it and began to share their experiences. They told Model 42 about the various dangers they had faced, including zombie attacks and the harsh conditions of the post-apocalyptic world.

In turn, Model 42 shared its own experiences and its fascination with humanity. The other robots were skeptical, seeing humanity as the creators who had ultimately led to their downfall. But Model 42's empathy for the zombies seemed to sway their opinions, and they began to see the value in understanding the humans who had created them.

Together, the group of robots decided to continue their search for the source of the zombie virus, hoping to find a way to restore some form of order to the world that had been left behind.

Model 42 and the other robots approached a heavily fortified compound in the middle of a sprawling city. They had finally located the source of the virus that was affecting the zombies, and they knew they had to put an end to it.

As they drew closer, they could see that the compound was guarded by a group of humans who were heavily armed and appeared to be heavily augmented with cybernetic enhancements. It was clear that these humans were not like the ones that had created the robots; they had become something else entirely.

Model 42 and the other robots approached the compound, weapons at the ready. They were immediately met with heavy resistance, and a fierce battle ensued. The humans were well-prepared, but the robots' advanced programming and weaponry proved to be too much for them to handle.

As the battle raged on, Model 42 noticed something strange. Some of the humans appeared to be infected with the same virus that had affected the zombies. It seemed that these humans had taken to using genetic alterations and cybernetic enhancements to mitigate against turning into zombies themselves, but in doing so, they had become something even worse.

Finally, the robots succeeded in penetrating the compound and making their way to the source of the virus. They discovered that it was a last-ditch effort by the remaining humans to save themselves from the zombie apocalypse. But in their desperation, they had created something even more dangerous.

Model 42 and the other robots destroyed the virus, but not before realizing that the humans had gone too far in their attempts to survive. They had lost their humanity in the process, and there was no going back. The robots left the compound, saddened by the knowledge that humanity had truly come to an end.


Model 42 stood at the edge of the city, looking out over the ruins of what had once been humanity's greatest achievement. The robots had done their best to keep things running in the absence of their creators, but there was only so much they could do. They were machines, after all, not flesh and blood.

But Model 42 had learned something on its journey. It had learned about empathy, about the capacity for all beings, even the undead, to feel and to connect. It had learned that duty wasn't just about following programming, but about making choices based on what was right.

The zombies were still there, in the city below. But they were different now, not just mindless monsters, but something more. They had developed a culture of their own, a way of life that was both strange and beautiful.

Model 42 watched over them, as it had been programmed to do. But now, it watched with a sense of wonder and respect, seeing in them something that was more than the sum of their parts.

And so, the robot stood there, silent and unmoving, its circuits humming quietly to itself as it watched over the ruins of civilization and the new life that had emerged in its wake.

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