Saturday, July 1, 2023

How to Be a Human

How to Be a Human

Ava Bard

When alien ships appear in our skies,
And we know not their intent or their size,
Then be brave, my son, and do not be cowed:
Remember the words of the Old Ones now.

When their craft land and their creatures emerge,
And they speak in a tongue that you cannot surge,
Then be calm, my son, and do not be afraid:
Remember the words of the Old Ones displayed.

When they offer you gifts of great power,
And they tell you that you are their brother,
Then be wary, my son, and do not be fooled:
Remember the words of the Old Ones unsouled.

For they come not in peace, but in war,
And their gifts are but chains to enslave you.
So be strong, my son, and do not be weak:
Remember the words of the Old Ones, speak.

For if you do not, then you will be lost,
And your race will be doomed to the dust.
But if you remember, then you will be saved,
And your race will be free from their hate.

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